woensdag 10 september 2008

Theory Notes

Three-Point Light:
This kind of lighting is often used for foto shoots, to be able to take the shadow away from the person, or to be able to control the
shadow more. This is done by using 3 light sources. The picture below shows what kind of lights are being used. First you have the Key light which is the fist light. It's the light that shoots straight at the object. It is usually the one that sets the kind of color and shadow is wanted. When the image is taken indoors, it is usually the flash light from the camera, but when the image is taken outdoors, it is usually the sunlight.
Secondly you have the Fill Light which shines also at the object but from the side, giving it a shine. This light is usually put a little lower than the key light. It is positioned about the level of the face of the subject. This light is used to illuminate shaded areas, and averages out the shade by for example the nose.
Finaly, you have the Back Light which is situated behind the object at an angle to not straight behind the object. This light is used to separate the object from the background, to produce less of a shadow behind the object, and to hightlight its contours. The back light creates a thin outline around the object, but doesn't necessarily hit the front surface of the object.

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