donderdag 11 september 2008

Printing Compositions

The printing compositions below all have about the same settings. I think the first week, the chemicals weren't as strong as the second week, because the printing compositions made the first week, needed more time to be able to be printed. Those are the two printing compositions on the left. They are both taken with the same settings; with an apreture 2.8, filter 0, and time 10 seconds. All of the pictures taken turned out pretty well, most of them with good lighting. These pictures were all for the portraits. The other two printing compositions (the two n the right) were proccessed on the second week. And i believe the chemicals had a great impact on the different settings. because the pictures turned out a lot faster, still with a good contrast however. These compositions were taken with 2.8 apreture, and 0 filter as the other compositions, but instead of 10 seconds, they were of 2 seconds. The compositions on the bottom of this blog on the right are of still life, and the compositions on the top of this blog on the right are of landscapes.

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