dinsdag 9 september 2008

Diary Entry

Since we have started the school year at photography, i have switched stations. I used to work at a station, that worked very well, however it didn't focus my negatives when the photo needed to be printed at a larger scale. So this year, since we have a smaller class, i was able to pick another station that worked better. I have noticed very much that since my negatives turn out well, my work in the dark room goes a lot faster as well. And i manage to get a lot of contrast in my pictures without having to put any filter in. I have also noticed a little more this year the big difference between a new developer and an old developer. Pictures turn out a lot darker with new developer. So once I get started on a picture, it's always best to finish it that same class so that the next class i don't need to redo the working on the settings.

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