woensdag 10 september 2008

Theory Notes

Hard Light:
With hard light, the light comes from a small source that creates relatively parallel rays. This gives light a harder appearance. This kind of lighting can be found in the afternoon sunlight, coming from a light bulb, or from a focused spotlight.
Hard light gives a rather ugly look on people, because it shows more details, such as wrinkles that the soft lighting could avoid. But it also has positive sides. Such as it makes leather clearer, as well as jewelry. And if what you are looking for is a sharp shadow behing the subject, it is important to have hard light because even without the subject, it may be clear enough to be able
to know what the subject is with only looking at its shadow. The image on the left shows an example of hard light, where you will be able to read the the text very clearly, and you will see the shadow on the bottom right of the stone very clearly. But on the left, you will see the same stone, but taken with soft light, and it will be clear that hard light is needed in order to see some details, like in this case the text.

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