donderdag 20 november 2008

Printing Compositions

Like I said in my diary entry, I was lucky when finding the settings to my images. I was able to recognize that the negatives were very dark, therefore, when I went into the dark room, and I started making test strips to find my the settings of these printing compositions, I knew I needed to start at a rather high time. For this reason, I started with a very open aperture (2.8) and with no filter (0) this way I took away no light from the light source, and I started with 20 seconds going up in 2’s. This test strip had worked out, and the pictures were visual, but the best time of the entire test strip was of the highest, yet I had not quite reached the time. But 32 seconds seemed to be close, so I tried a full test strip at 35 seconds. When I saw that this test strip was clear, I printed all of my negatives at those settings (A. 2.8, F. 0 and 35 seconds). When I made the full print, it was rather odd to see that my images were blurry, while on the test strips they were not. I still do not understand the reason for this, since some pictures are in focus and others are not on the same test strips. On these printing compositions however, we are able to see my pictures clearly. And they all seem to be rather good, with good contrasts and regarding the topic for the project they seemed to be good too. However since during the shooting, I did not know what exactly was required for this project, I did not focus too much on these specific details, which is why it was rather hard for me to find a picture (after having shot them) of a close up. However, I did find it.

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