woensdag 8 oktober 2008

Theory Notes

Low-Light Shooting:
Unexperienced photographers often use their flash directly when they see that there will not be enough lighting in the image without the extra support. To create a greater sense of lighting, this is very effective. However there are other techniques to make a good potograh.
  • Fast film:
    When using a traditional camera, you are recording light on the film. While processing the film, the image starts coming out on the negative, having formed a picture. The use of speed of the film is very important, because the lighting in the area you are shooting needs a different care than in a different area. When the conditions are dim, you want to shoot with a high speed (ISO 800). If you want to get a large amount of what is in the picture in focu, you need to close the apreture. This picture will usually take longer to shoot because it needs more time to absorb the light. Therefore it would be handy to use a tripod while taking that kind of pictures.
    Taking low-light shoots falls into two categories: natural light, a
    nd artificial light.
    -Natural Light: In color print film, photographers are nowadays using ISO 800 films which give them better results than the ISO 400 they used several years ago, because their images are sharper, have a better contrast, and have brighter colors.
  • Fast Lens:
    Fast lenses are usually of apreture 1.4, 1.8, or 2.8, which allow the more light into the camera then slower lenses do. When the light lever reaches the film increases, the shutter speed at which you can shoot also increases. Reducing the chance of a moving, or blurry pictures.
  • Fill Flash:
    It is usually better for the image to while shooting with a flash light, to reduce the intensity of the flash, which is possible in camera accesaries sold now. The image on the right uses fill flash.

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