This print was complicated to get it's exact point because of the intense use of shadows and lighting. This image had a significant boundary. The final small print was printed at 2.5 seconds. But when i tried it at 2 seconds, i could see he grey coming in the shoe which is black. But as i put it to 3 seconds, you couldn't distinguish between the shoe and the shadow. Therefore, this was the right timing. While printing this, i realized that i don't only need to think about focusing the image properly, or the position of the subject, but i realized that I need to be careful with the setting. As you can see on the back of the image there is a wire coming through. This is rather disturbing in an image like this. So I know that for next projects and prints i need to look at the image as a whole, not just the subject. As i said before, this image was taken at 2.5 seconds, the aperture was 2.8, and it had no filter. But our final print had to be on a large print. So i had to put the station higher to make the print higher too. This means that i also had to increase the time I was putting the paper in sunlight. The reason for this is because distance looses part of the light, so the higher the light source is, the more time you need. But when i doubled the time, from 2.5 to 5 seconds, i saw that it was still not enough time. Which must mean that I enlarged the image more than twice the size. My final print ended up being at 8 seconds, with an aperture 2.8 and no filter.
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