For accessories, i used three cellphones and one watch. The watch is hidden in the back. I find this a nice picture because of the use of three different phones and the use of focus. I like that the only thing that is truly in focus is the black phone under the other phones. Because it gives more empahsis on the detail of that phone as opposed to the other phones. This image was easy to print when I was still printing it on small paper, because it didn't look too grey as you can see on the left. The settings for this image is aperture 2.8, filter 0 and 10 seconds. But when I started working on my bigger print, like you can see on the test strip on the right, i simply increased the time to twice as much. But the picture turned out too grey. So i had to start increasing time, and eventually, the final print was at 26 seconds, without a filter and at aperture 2.8. The final print has a use of color like the smaller print does on the left, so it doesn't look very grey like the test strip does.
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