The use of light in this image was by using an umbrella, and we can see a slight reflection of it in her eyes, this was probably because the light intensity was too high, therefore I should be careful next time to put a softer light source. Yet for the light to be intense enough to still be able to get those shades by her neck and under her chin.
This image was the second one I printed. As well as the most difficult one to find the settings for. Because I took this image from the same set of negatives, I thought that by starting on the same timing as the previous full print it should be alright. However, it turned out not to be the case. It took me a relatively long time to find the settings because I needed to go higher in time since it was too light. When I reached 145 seconds I found that that was the right setting for this image. Then I printed it on the larger paper. This picture was one taken for the assignment of an image with two subjects, for which I included both Renee and Faith. It is a pretty nice picture, however just like the previous picture, its contrast is not too outstanding, it does still contain a little bit of grey, yet it does still give it a nice effect. I am a little bit upset about the fact that Faith is wearing her glasses because that made a negative effect when it came to the lighting since you can see some of the light reflected on her glasses. However over all, I like this image, the shadows it gives off between the hair and the faces of both of the girls, as well as that shadow Faith’s sleeve creates upon her arm.
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