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Again, this picture has an unknow artist. However i choose to use it anyways because it is different from all the other images I have used up to now. Before this abstract drawing, I always used a photograph to illustrate the theme of our projects. However, this abstract drawing is using claustrophobia very clearly. The man (who has abstract looking shapes, like his eyes) is squished into a square, and looks like it cannot even breath. On top of that, he looks rather afraid, which you can see by his hands and mouth. Trying to get away from something he can't. I really like this drawing due to the use of claustrophobia.
Mircea Grumaz, a Romanian sports journalist, took this picture. He seems to be a rather paradoxical man since he does not like having a beard, yet he doesn’t like to shave either. He was born on May 17, in Maramures, Transylvania, Romania. I chose to use this picture as a claustrophobic picture because it is very dark, and even though there is a little bit of light, it looks like there is no end to that mine. And it also feels like it is all falling down for it gives us a sense of insecurity when it comes to the location. If I were to be in there, I would be very afraid, and would probably have a lot of trouble breathing properly.
The artist of this picture is unknown however I chose it because I think this would have been an amazing picture to use for this project, and because this picture would have meant so much to my own claustrophobia I thought it would be a pity to not use it. I am incredibly scared of needles; I cannot handle someone standing close to me with one. Even less can I handle when someone else injects one in me, like doctors do. That is why iI chose this picture to be a claustrophobic picture.
This was my last print, and it was a fast print too because I thought I was finished with the project but I wasn’t. Thankfully I wanted to print this picture as a claustrophobic picture as well, but before I thought it would not fit into the limit of pictures. This picture was the one that needed the most time. I began with the settings for the previous print. Therefore I started at 73. However, when I saw that it was too light I did what you can see on the test strip. The lowest time is on the bottom of the test strip starting at 75 seconds. From there I went up in 5 seconds. The top of the print ended at 90 seconds. As you can see on the full print compared to the test strip, the full print is still darker. That is because I didn’t think the darkest part of my test strip was dark enough, therefore I added an extra 5 seconds to the full print. This means that my full print ended up with 95 seconds, no filter and aperture 2.8 for its settings.
This picture makes me claustrophobic because it reminds me of a forest at night, when you’re not able to see things properly. That is probably one of the things that scare me the most, not knowing what is ahead of me. Therefore, this picture shows a lot of distance, yet there is no real detail of anything. Just a bunch of bushes put together.
This picture is of Marte. As you can see from the picture, the subject (Marte) is looking very dark, however the picture itself is not too dark, as you can see in the background as well as the subjects hair. This gave myself quite some doubt because I thought that the lighting was too dark, however the teacher thought it gave the picture a nice effect. Usually when I use pictures from the same negatives, they roughly have the same settings. For this reason, I always follow up with my settings from the picture printed before. If we look back at the settings of the previous picture I used an aperture of 2.8, no filter, and left the paper in the light for 80 seconds. Which is why I began with my test strip at that time. When the teacher and I saw directly that it was too dark, we were able to figure out how much time I needed for a full print. Because the picture was too dark at 80 seconds, however it wasn’t dark enough to not see detail, we only took 7 seconds of. Therefore, my final print ended up being at 73 seconds, with an aperture of 2.8 and no filter.
All of my friends and family in Spain live in apartments. That is something you will often find when you go to Spain, ins
tead of having houses everywhere like in Holland, there will be apartments. However, to have high apartments, elevators are a major key factor. Usually, they work well, and it is not a problem, and when they work well, it isn’t scary to go in them. However, when I go to my grandfather’s house, an apartment, which was made in the 60’s, I get very scared when I enter the elevator. Usually it works well, however, sometimes it randomly stops, and I feel claustrophobic, wanting to get out and start panicking. This is what this picture resembles. As Marte is in the elevator, she is looking at the door closing, looking very frightened. Which shows claustrophobia. In the picture, you can see that her eyes are looking at the door, and they are bright open, which is a fear factor.
The second image I printed was the one of the teacher’s daughter by the school gate. Therefore I took a picture of her daughter standing in there. This image seems to be better in focus then the last one. However it is clear the part that is most in focus is the middle part of the girls body. It was also relatively easy to find the settings for this picture since they are very similar to the ones of the last print. The settings for this image are at 80 seconds, 2.8 aperture, and no filter. As you can see, the only difference is the time I have put into the picture, but it only has a difference of 5 seconds. When finding the settings for this picture, I started off with the same ones as I had for the final print of the previous picture. So, aperture 2.8, no filter and 75 seconds. However, even though it had a good enough contrast, the picture needed a little bit more detail. Therefore I added 5 more seconds to the final print.
To me, this picture refe
rs to what I consider claustrophobic because when I take the bus towards Leiden, I need to go through those doors every day. Usually, that door does not frighten me. However, when the school ID doesn’t work and you are trying to push those doors but nothing happens, I usually get a sense of insecurity inside. With the face she put on the picture, it makes the picture look better because she has a scared face. The fact that she is holding a stick is also rather effective in another way, because it maybe be what she is holding in order to defend herself. She looks like she is lost in those gates, which makes this picture so forceful.
The first image I printed was the one in which Abbie is hiding under a table, looking at the wall where there is a shadow of a hand. When looking at the negatives, I thought it would be a very nice picture to print with the theme of claustrophobia because it seems like a terror kind of scene. When I saw this image on my negatives I thought it would turn out very well since on the negatives its contrast was very good, and it did not seem like it was out of focus. However, the teacher did tell me that it looked like it was out of focus. When I decided to print this picture anyways, I saw that the subject, Abbie, was indeed out of focus. However, one of the table legs is clearly in focus. I have been seeing that some of my pictures have only one spot in focus and the rest is not in focus, which I find rather odd, since I believe that when taking pictures, I tend to firstly focus the faces of the people, and then move into the picture’s position. This is something I will need to pay more attention to when taking future pictures. It was also very easy to print since it has the exact same settings as my negatives do. Its settings are 75 seconds, at 2.8 aperture, and no filter. This was very handy and fast for me to find.
This picture, just like all the others for this project is supposed to have a sense of claustrophobia in it. Often when we watch a scary movie, the shadows that are shown scare us. This is the kind of feeling the picture is trying to give us. Abbie’s face is also the main key for this image because she is staring at the reflection of the hand on the wall, looking frightened. However, the shadow is therefore a very important part of this picture. The way, in which I managed to put the shadow of the hand in this picture, was by using photo shoot lamps, and having Marte put her hand in order for the shadow to occur. I personally really like this picture, because of the claustrophobic affect is has. Abbie’s face is what determines the claustrophobic effect of this picture because she is truly frightened by this shadow, which she doesn’t truly know what or who it is.

My negatives were very easy to find, I firstly started with (as you can see in this page) the printing composition with only five pictures. To find the settings for these pictures I started off with what I usually start off. Which is at aperture 2.8, no filter, and I begin with 2 seconds, and go up in two's until reaching 10 seconds. When i saw that something was turning up, but it was way too white to see anything, I immediatly added more time. then i began at 20 seconds and went up in steps of 10 seconds till i reached 70 seconds. At that point everything turned out, however, I saw that if I added only a little bit more time to the maximum time, it would turned out better. Therefore, all of my negatives which you can see on this page are at the same settings, mainly at aperture 2.8, filter 0, and 75 seconds. I'm very happy with how they turned out because most of my pictures are in focus and their contrasts are close to excellent.
During this claustrophobia project it was relatively difficult to find things that were claustrophobic while being at school. It took a lot of thinking, when someone mentioned taking pictures of a spider; I figured I could go look for a spider. But with temperatures like these, finding a spider was almost impossible. When walking around the school, I found that it would be interesting to take pictures of things such as the elevator, which scares many people including myself when something is wrong with it. When finally getting all the pictures together, I saw my negatives turned out well. Finding the settings for the printing compositions is always what takes up most time. However my negatives didn’t seem to be grey at all, for which it makes finding settings a lot easier. Again, during this project I had finished my prints rather fast. When we started, we thought we only needed to print 3 pictures. I managed to do so in only 2 classes. However, the second last class we spent working on this project, it turned out the assignment said we needed to print 4 prints. Which I managed to finish in only one class, and start on another project (the teacher prints). Printing was not a problem for me, my images turned out well, with good settings, and I am very happy with them. However, it does seem to me as well as the teacher that my framing skills are rather bad. For which the picture is not straight on the paper. This will have to be improved over the course of this class.